This includes all items on an individual Form 1040. This would also include a sole proprietorship, a husband and wife joint Schedule C business, rentals or investments, and revocable living or grantor trusts that do not and are not required to file an income tax return.
* Audit Defense: If you are notified of a Federal or State income tax audit, we will professionally defend your return at no additional charge. Our representation will cover any income tax return as long as you are a member of TaxResources.
* TaxHotline: Unlimited access to our toll-freeTaxHotline for any tax questions or tax related problems.
* Protection from rarely ever having to meet or talk with the IRS.
* TaxBulletin: This quarterly publication provides you with current information on any IRS legislation that could impact your tax status. It helps you learn more about how to minimize your tax liability while enhancing your financial wellbeing. It also offers helpful tips on avoiding tax audit pitfalls and lets you know what is happening within the IRS on an ongoing basis.
* "Members Only" Web Site: As a member, you have access to valuable tax information and resources. Also, you may submit your questions to our TaxHotline on-line from this web site.
Price: $295.00
(Discounted from our retail price of $395.00)